Tragedie la Love Parade

Cei pasionati de muzica electronica probabil au aflat de tragicul incident desfasurat ieri in Germania. 15 oameni au murit calcati in picioare, in urma formarii unei busculade, organizatorii luand in calcul si anularea evenimentului.

De remarcat este ca principala sursa de informatie n-a fost un portal de stiri, ci chiar Facebook (ATB) si Twitter (Armin).


One response to “Tragedie la Love Parade”

  1. da , si atb a si compus o melodie

    Atb’s facbooks post
    Now to the really important things. I´m so shocked about the things happened a few hours ago. I decided not to play my set a the Loveparade and I really hope you understand my decision. I´m so sorry and I feel kind of guilty. My heart is with families of the victims. I´m so sad and I´m still shocked…

    I woke up this morning and still cant get all this horrible pictures out of my head. And as you know me, the best way for me to handle situations like this, is to write a song. So I wrote a little song this morning. I dedicate this song to the victims and their families and I hope this melody can help a little bit in …this sad times. I would appreciate, if you could put your pictures behind the song and send post your video here on my facebook or on youtube. I´ll send a free download link for the song soon.

    Mna 🙁

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